Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My little En and Me

Memories... My little Chung En and Me...

We grow up together.. :)

=== Year 2003-2005 ===

En is so cute, without wearing specs.. :) just like my son

== Year 2006 ==

at old house, ampang. En shows his Godzilla DVD.. One of his favorite toys, movie and characters.

== 2007 ==

At bishan, Singapore.
En visited me last year. We went to Singapore Zoo together. It was really fun..

== 2008 ===
En, 7 zai & me at new home, Cheras.. He is still lovely.. as cute as 7 zai.. hehe..
He loves 7 zai a lot. He brings him to school everyday.. :)

Sand & Dust

My flat is having outer wall renovation. Started the works from 21st floor since last december. Till now.. still haven't finish yet.

Worse case is, it has came to my floor, 3rd floor. Oh dear. the sand, dust all came into our place.. now we don't dare to hang out clothes near ot the washing area.... it will really cover will sand!!

oh dear.. we gonna hang all the clothes in our room.. couldn't help it at all.. even small rocks fall in.. everytime i need to sweep, wash, and mop the floor when i need to use the washing machine..tiring..

Mum is coming to singapore for holiday soon. I hope she will not nag at me.. coz the place is similar like a beach.. haha

the project will end in June.. oh dear.. my eczema is getting worse recently.. all over my back..continue to apply steriod cream... and must wash the bedsheet tomorrow...

gonna work again.. hope that tonight will have a good night sleep...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Having Insomnia again..
I am going to be crazy.. keep on thinking without rest. That's ME.
I should stop thinking too much until things really happen..
No Point worries if nothing is happen now..
Shouldn't blame myself or anyone else.
Life is short..
Just take it or leave it...
Stay Healthy, Happy and Positive!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Ga Yao Zhung Gok

This morning, I wore my "Jia You Zhong Guo" T-shirt back to the office.

It was bought from Metersbonwe - a brand in China, Shanghai. When I was first saw the T-shirt in the shop, I feel that it's cute and really suitable for this year Olympics. Without thinking, I bought 2, one white and one red. The red one I passed to my sis...
Surprisingly, my colleagues (mostly from China) gave a big react when I wore that today. They feel like having one too. They feel that I am more supportive than them.. hehee..
Coincidentally, recently the Olympics critics happened... the 4 words mean a lot..

hehee.. to me, I just treat it as a souvenir from Shanghai.. i am not that spiritual actually..Of course, I support China!! :)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Lazy Weekend

Sleeping Sleeping and sleeping over the weekend.

I think I spent all my times, sleeping and eating..

Also, dreaming about my australia trip after reading some travel info from Melbourne. Thanks, Goon Seong, my pilot friend brought for me from Melbourne.

Really can't wait to go... still have 6 months to go..

Waiting for Soong Wei's reply for the plan, and hope to match his roster soon. Then we can book the flight... Yeah!!

Well, my next nearer plan - KL again on 17-19 May!! :D

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wow, that's a lot!

Surprisingly, I receive a letter from my boss today..

Wow, salary adjustment!!

when he told me the amount, I tot I heard something wrongly..

What? $4.... SI kuai

Oh.. no no SHI kuai $10...

ermmm.. ok ok.. wanted to faint in front of him immediately. : /

How come? Kinda too stingy... aiikks...

Anyway, it's better than nothing.

Will invest in TOTO monthly and exchange for better bonus! :D

Monday, April 14, 2008


The weekend was very short, the journey was hectic!! Well, it's really meaningful for me. I feel very contented even though it's just a short period.

Sat noon: woke up, father bought breakfast for us (as usual). the breakfast was mushroom, chicken feet noodles. I thought I had no appetite to have heavy breakfast but I had finished the whole packet of noodles.. :D\
Then I shown father how to use youtube, gmail, and explain more details how internet works for him. he is keen to learn more. hehe..

(in between, the little fella, en came to disturb me... hehe.. he always like to stick to me, yeah, he likes the 7 zai that I gave to him)
About noon, we went to chinatown to fetch Theng theng back from tuition. it was raining... arrghh.. we (mum, theng and me) ran to 'gam lin gei' to have fuk kin mee (hokkien mee). ... wow.. that's really made my day. I miss the taste a lot and it's really delicious!!!! though it made my lips black (dark soy sauce), but still enjoy it so much. yummmmm....

Without much thought, we went to KLCC... just to get rid of the rainy day... ermm.. as usual, we like shopping a lot... and i found out that 16-year-old theng theng is a shopaholic!!! she shops without thinking and buy ZARA, Topshop.. sooooo 'Hang Fuk'... at last, she phyco me to buy a dress from ZARA (RM110) and she bought 2 pieces of clothes about RM250 (without thinking).. Just like in the movie. I hope in future, she won't upgrade the brands to Gucci, Prada, LV...

Well, it was fun to shop together with someone which I miss it always in Singapore.

At night, we went to 'zui mao' - drunken cat restaurant for chinese dinner. the price is not too bad, 5 persons for RM40 only!!
Back home about 10pm, continue chit chat with theng theng, mum, father, en.. and en slept together with me and 7 zai.
me, En and 7 zai
Sun: No plan on that day. Started with - zu cheong fun & mummy's soup!! so far, i can say mum's soup is the best. many ingredients, and the taste is just enough. no MSG.
afternoon, gave tuition to en.... while waiting for theng theng back from tuition and sis back from penang..
hehe... unexpectedly, sis bought 'yim guk gai' -salty chicken from Ipoh.. hahaha..another yummy food... the meat is so smooth.. and of course, very salty.. I just like it... we cleared the whole chicken and left the bones. hahaha

after the dinner, i took a nap... just for half an hour as en sat on my pillow suddenly and played games beside me... - naughty but funny- *he forgot about his weight :P*
the time was getting close. I packed all my stuffs and we went to the train station together (except theng)... we had Mc D at the station then I rushed to the train... almost late... really miss them a lot...
Now I feel very quiet... as usual.. my transition period after back from KL... miss the people, miss the food and miss the environment.....

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

My Room @ Singapore

Here is my own heaven at Bishan, Singapore...
My favourite place.. nothing much but feeling cosy always.
Might be leaving this place in this coming August.
*Opps, charging my mobile*