Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sand & Dust

My flat is having outer wall renovation. Started the works from 21st floor since last december. Till now.. still haven't finish yet.

Worse case is, it has came to my floor, 3rd floor. Oh dear. the sand, dust all came into our place.. now we don't dare to hang out clothes near ot the washing area.... it will really cover will sand!!

oh dear.. we gonna hang all the clothes in our room.. couldn't help it at all.. even small rocks fall in.. everytime i need to sweep, wash, and mop the floor when i need to use the washing machine..tiring..

Mum is coming to singapore for holiday soon. I hope she will not nag at me.. coz the place is similar like a beach.. haha

the project will end in June.. oh dear.. my eczema is getting worse recently.. all over my back..continue to apply steriod cream... and must wash the bedsheet tomorrow...

gonna work again.. hope that tonight will have a good night sleep...