Monday, April 21, 2008

Ga Yao Zhung Gok

This morning, I wore my "Jia You Zhong Guo" T-shirt back to the office.

It was bought from Metersbonwe - a brand in China, Shanghai. When I was first saw the T-shirt in the shop, I feel that it's cute and really suitable for this year Olympics. Without thinking, I bought 2, one white and one red. The red one I passed to my sis...
Surprisingly, my colleagues (mostly from China) gave a big react when I wore that today. They feel like having one too. They feel that I am more supportive than them.. hehee..
Coincidentally, recently the Olympics critics happened... the 4 words mean a lot..

hehee.. to me, I just treat it as a souvenir from Shanghai.. i am not that spiritual actually..Of course, I support China!! :)