Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Sore Gum

Oh Dear! I have sore gum!!

I really can't take Yomeishu, I have gastric after having it even taken after food.

Worst thing is I can't sleep well at night. I feel hot, gastric and I have soregum now (near to my wisdom tooth)... very pain!

Tonight, I will sleep earlier... Must sleep earlier...

Pull back my spirit from KL and start working...

Do not think too much..... Be happy!


SinBAD said...

drink "pau sam sou" and sleep earlier for few works. If possible, eating a lot of watermelons or drinking chrysantemum tea helps too but depending on ur timing la..take care!

Shooky Leong said...

I don't have pau sam here.. Maybe can try chrysanthemum tea..

today MC again because I have fever... sigh....

I think I will start work on next Monday...
Thanks for the advise