Thursday, January 21, 2010

Speeding, No. 1 Road Killer

I have been going in fast speed at the expressway for 1.5 years.

My highest limit can reach about 130km/h. Along the way, getting familiar with the car, more confident and as usual impatient has made me speeding....

Unfortunately, on last thursday, at KJE expressway, I caught by traffic police....

So, I have to deduct 6 merits point and SGD150 fine. =(

I am not very happy cause i worried there will be more letter from the police if there is a new camera set up at the expressway.

As I have been speeding on Tuesday and Wednesday. I hope I didn't exceed much of the limit.

Let's keep the finger cross. The punishment will be more if I repeat the offence.

I promise myself, I will drive within the limit. Trying to be calm, which I always wanted to... I am always impatient when doing anything...

Today I drove at 90km/h to the office, and i felt a little bit sleepy... ZZZzzzzz

To avoidmy licence being stopped, I have to really obey the rules in Singapore..