Thursday, January 21, 2010

Speeding, No. 1 Road Killer

I have been going in fast speed at the expressway for 1.5 years.

My highest limit can reach about 130km/h. Along the way, getting familiar with the car, more confident and as usual impatient has made me speeding....

Unfortunately, on last thursday, at KJE expressway, I caught by traffic police....

So, I have to deduct 6 merits point and SGD150 fine. =(

I am not very happy cause i worried there will be more letter from the police if there is a new camera set up at the expressway.

As I have been speeding on Tuesday and Wednesday. I hope I didn't exceed much of the limit.

Let's keep the finger cross. The punishment will be more if I repeat the offence.

I promise myself, I will drive within the limit. Trying to be calm, which I always wanted to... I am always impatient when doing anything...

Today I drove at 90km/h to the office, and i felt a little bit sleepy... ZZZzzzzz

To avoidmy licence being stopped, I have to really obey the rules in Singapore..

Monday, January 11, 2010

Adorable Babies

Went to Chloe's 1st Birthday on last sunday. Happy seeing the babies (my nieces and nephew).

I love to hug them.. they are just adorable!

In fact, I have 17 years of nanny experience... from "theng theng" to "en"... and now I almost treat en as my own son.. we love each other a lot! I hope he can be obedient and be a good guy in future.

Let me introduce some new members in our big family:

Little Chloe (Kit's daugther) who celebrated her 1 year-old birthday. =)

Gwen (moo moo), fiona's daugther.. she is so cute and chubby. I hope I can hug her again!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My Cooking

Don't feel like eating out alone... and really miss Italian food which can always satisfy my tastebuds. :D

I must, I must learn to cook good italian cuisine.

Reason: to have good italian food with low price in singapore, the way is to LEARN how to make it...

here's some pasta i cooked in this week:

Spagetthi with beef ragu' and grated parmigiano cheese

Aglio Olio and peperoncino

Do give me some comments so that I can improve! :)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

2009 -> 2010

What have I done in 2009?
  • Feb: Enjoyed my Chinese New Year with family and friends :)
  • Feb - May: Had been revising Humanities and Social Science, Physics, Organic Chemistry and Biology
  • May: Took GAMSAT (Graduate Australian Medical School Admission Test). - passed but not flying colors
  • April - Aug: Had been learning Italian during leisure & learn roller blading.
  • Aug: Met Australian Migration Agency to enquire of the PR application requirement.
  • Aug - Oct: Had been learning English (IELTS), viewing condominiums around Singapore.
  • Oct - Dec: Training in Catania, Learning product and test engineering.
    Meeting good people and enjoy delicious italian food.
    Travelling around Sicily, to Venice, Switzerland (Zurich, Interlaken and Luzern) & London. Finally, I have fulfilled my promise to meet Ngiam in London. ;)
    Learn cycling (taught by mum and husband)

I would say, 2009 is full of learning. Learning a lot of new things. Probably, life in singapore is a bit bored for me. Without taking initiatives to learn new things, I guess, it's hard to fill up my time. Of course, Travelling is part of my yearly plan too.

Last year trips: {Hong Kong, Shen Zhen, KL} (as usual), Penang, Sicilia, Venice, Switzerland and London.


I foresee it would be a tough year for me. There will be some changes in my life. I believe with plannings and discussion, we will definitely can get thru it.

  • New things to learn: English (seriously for IELTS) and Italian (casually)
  • Applying PR for my husband
  • Looking for house
  • Improving my skills in works
  • Spend more time with family
  • Travel plan: Default: Hong Kong, Shen Zhen, KL. Wish to go: Japan or Australia

Hereby, wishing all my friends and family have a good start in this new decade!!

Stay Happy and Healthy!