Thursday, September 24, 2009

Happy 30th Birthday

Happy Birthday to myself!!
Was surprised to have a small party in the office. I am lucky to have this bunch of good colleagues. That's one of the reason I could stay for so long in this company =)
Thanks again to my beloved colleagues!!
I am 30! It's unbelievable!
I am still very childish. So far, I am glad with my life and what I have achieved so far.
It's just simple and not fantastic.
However, I feel blessed that many ppl always care about me. =)
I wish that my family and all my friends will stay happy & healthy always.
Be contented and life will be beautiful.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Dim Sum at Old Hong Kong

I would say this is the best dim sum i had in Singapore. Good quality!!
Thanks for the recommendation from my colleague, Karen!! :)

Nice Food that I had recently =)

Margarhita's (Mexican Food) at Dempsey ;)
Tendered beef with various kinds of sauce. Yummy!

Salmon with mashed potatoes, peas and vege.
(Jones the grocer @ Dempsey)

Wedges, Salad and Steak set (Jones' the grocer @ Dempsey)
Like the fine dining restaurants at Dempsey. Went there for dinner on Friday night continuously for 2 weeks. A bit costly but I find it worth after a tired and busy week. =)

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Bought 2 references and exercises books for IELTS exams.

One is for vocabulary, and one is for grammar.

I have to put aside others foreign languages and concerntrate on English.

Need to focus and hopefully can get good results in this test. The first step for my OZ PR application. =)

Friday, September 4, 2009

In the midst....

I am in the midst to decide how my future will be?

Sometime it's really hard to take a decision to change your life... Many of us would like to stay at the comfort zone and resist to make a change. However, when there is some circumstances change in our life and force us to move...

As for me.... what are the options I would like to choose?

Going to Hong Kong?
Going to Australia?
Staying back in Singapore for the next few years?
Going back to KL?

too many options. and among these, I would choose to be in Australia/Singapore.

But I know if I am going to Australia, I have to start all over again, and alone..... and it's not the time now as I have some commitment with my career.

If I would choose Australia PR, I need wait for 3 years. I guess, I will feel more comfortable too.

I need to find out more about australia and perhaps, need to go there again...

what to do? but first thing, I must equipped myself with IELTS, > band 7 results... before I choose any option...

Life... Life... I hope things will go smoothly and with no regrets.