Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Colonoscopy II

After 21 hours of fasting, I experienced the real HUNGRY... it's weird as normally I always do not have appetite but only Yesterday... I was hungry for the whole day....

I drank, 7 Up, honey and finally a hot clear soup (just the water, which I felt very filling!! =D) for my dinner... Things were not that bad until the diarhhea part. I had "Fleet" the medication for diarhhea specially for medication procedure....

wow... the effect was really powerful... in the middle of it, I was nearly black out again!! hahaha.. i rest for 2 hours... again woke up around 11pm... continue for it... the medication tasted really bad..

This morning, 6am, I woke up again and had "Fleet" again.. feel like vomiting...

It was really BAD.. I told myself, it would be my first and last time!!

Early in the morning, we went to NUH... I went into the room by myself... was a bit afraid but when i saw a little girl about aged 4 - 5 will on-going the same thing like me... I became strong again... =)

The procedure was not fully sedation.. I was halved awake... I felt the pain, and I heard voices saying, "almost done... almost done".... then.. i felt my abdomen was bloated and pain after that... was really giddy and I felt asleep after the whole thing...

until I felt someone touched on my face, and I saw it was my husband.. haha.. he said, "You slept for quite long", then he told the nurse "I think she is almost ok..." hahaha (as if he is the doctor)..

so i woke up and changed.. good news, the results seem no big deal, I can EAT again.. bad news was I will be scheduled for another CT scan for my liver and pelvis again.... in Oct...


On the way back, I fell asleep.. the giddiness hadn't gone yet I guess...

Then I slept for 6 hours like a dead fish... and now.. i felt sleepy again.. tomorrow will have another day of hospitalization leave.. gonna rest at home....

Well, am worry about my CT scan again..

When will it end huh?

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Homemade Pizza Party

It's real ItalianoPizza!!

I observed the whole procedures and really impressed! Homemade but very professional..
It was delicious!!
Grazie mille, Toti! =)



Toppings: Tomatoes sauce, Mozerella cheese, salami, saute mushroom, basil leaves

Monday, July 20, 2009

Cute Earrings

I saw there are some cute earrings from far. Couldn't wait to go to take a look when i passed by a bazaar at nanyang polytechnic today.

After food, I went to take a look. Oh no, they are so cute.. ice cream, donut, cakes, swiss rolls clay earrings. In my mind, I thought of Theng Theng. I know she likes food shape miniature. actually, also myself.. but I think I am too old for that...

I picked this for her:

Hope she will like it =)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Mi sento....

Sorry for stopping the blog for quite sometime.

I am confused.. trying to figure it out.... till now, there is no answer.

I hope I can get over it smoothly.

Everything is good for me now and I don't want to have any changes.

Somehow, the problem is myself..... I will not blame anyone.... I would bear for any consequences..

and again, hope for a miracle...

Monday, July 6, 2009


So many wedding to attend recently... There was another one from a colleage on last satuday.. It was a wedding lunch at Good Wook Park Hotel. Quite a grand wedding.

I was wondering what to wear for a lunch.. however, I can't find any clothes better than a black dress... coz most of my wardrobe are for working.. jeans, shirt, t shirt. somehow, I am bored about it... then I had some comment that I am a bit too elegant.. hahaha! :S

Well, I need a change!!!
I just tried to pack some of the "old clothes" and keep aside... I found that some clothes is about 5 to 10 years.. some really look like rag.. wahhahaa... I think my style has been keep for these years. Except for the sizes...
It would be a good time to shop for new clothes.. due to end of sales.... ermmmm.. might take a look in this month.. ;)