Thursday, June 4, 2009

Something Great!

My sis lost her last Melbourne trip photos in April. She cried, fed up and upset!

The pics were lost when she transferred them to the PC. All the pics in the SD card were gone.

After consulting IT experts, sending it for recovery.. still can't help.

I told my friends, and Geng yoke sent me a software to try. Though, I have no hope on it as the SD was tried out in many software and can't be recovered.

Since I went home last week, I got the SD card from Jess and want to try to recover it when I am back to singapore since I have nothing much to do here.. also, wanna see the pics..hahaha!

I tried to recover it.. the folder is found, but can't open it..

tried again with 2nd level.. only 9 files are found and all corrupted...

It's expected. and there is a last hope function of the software to search as per partition of the storage device.. and it will format it..

Since, there is no hope, I just tried to search by that way...

many files are found..and i clicked on them.. seeing many nice food pics.. ermmmm... I guess, they might the pics she wants. As I know SW likes to eat a lot, fine dining... hahhaa

Slowly, more pics are found... and I checked..


quickly, I called Jess to wake up.. she was screaming happily, and very touched *Unexpected*

I was very happy for her!! My feeling was like striking TOTO!! Yes.. I understand her feeling..

I could hear her sound which is the combination of laughters and cries.. hahaha!

Well, Happy for them.. :)

what a bowl of nice sashimi! Jess, you gonna buy me this! ;D