Saturday, October 18, 2008


For a long time I didn't sit down alone to listen to music.. Now I am listening to Jay Chou's New Song..

The feeling is like back to Uni time. I always sat in front of my study desk, switching my PC and listening to songs... Thinking back, the life in hostel.. My study desk, is my entertainment center, somewhere I have many lunch, dinner... somewhere I studied hard for my studies.. somewhere I practise singing..

Although I am staying in Uni now.. But the feeling are all gone. I lost all my friends, there is no friends calling me from the downstairs for dinner.. there is no friend accompany for badminton, BBQ, supper.

Uni life is not easy in Singapore. I always having Homesick too. However, it is consider happy.. I remember we cooked supper together and had it at the stone tables down the block.. chit chat.. and celebrating birthdayssss..

Now. everyone is busy with works, some already back home, some married and everyone is having their own life.

What I am looking for now? Well, of course it's having fun! Time flies and already working for 4 years plus.... well, I don't think I am excel in my works, or really motivated in it. However, I am happy to be with my colleagues. They are good! I don't hope for more at this moment. Just getting money back home every month.. and be happy always.

If there is chance, I must, I MUST go travel around... Of course to be with someone I know. Coz travelling alone is really bored. When I was at the top of St. Peter Church, Rome... I felt very excited.. but noone was with me.. I feel like shouting out loud!! Rome is very beautiful...

Some for the feeling in Eiffel Tower, and on the train to Switzerland.. the Rock Icy Mountain are so beautiful.. lakes with swan.. wow.. snowy train track.. However, I was alone... no one share with me for the excitement. I believe I will be in Europe again!!!!

I hope my boss will send me to Italy again... As I heard that I will be doing programming later... when the restructuring is more stable ... Well, programming, of course needs training.. I am not that good in it. Perhaps, I will take the risk and make a try. I want to do something more engineering and exciting...

So talk about overseas training, if there is a chance, I will definitely visit UK this time... Southamphon to visit Shi Song, and Edinburgh to visit John... Not forget about Markus in Zurich. beside that I hope to go to Athens, Santorini.. To me that's the best honeymoon place.

Anyway, I don't think I will have the chance.. My husband is too practical.. in his life, is just working.. his life is "NO LIFE"... hope he can really rest and relax himself.

ermm, how come i write so much rubbish for today? maybe this is the time i get alone... then make me think!

Sometime I think that I am quite individualistic.. and somehow I afraid to become alone..

the best is I can be with my family always.. and continue to do whatever I like.. aiks, miss home again...

No matter how am I doing, I just wish that all my family and friends are in good condition.. healthy, be happy everyday...

Aih. the sky is dark now, I gonna keep my clothes hanging outside... will write again soon..