Saturday, September 13, 2008


We were in a small, warm and happy family.

We were not rich, but we always feel very contented. We saved, earned, and buy something that we yearn for. Always we can't get things easily as we want. So we precious everything we own.

Why would I wanna mentioned this today? Cause I know a bad tempered person... and I don't know why????!!! Throwing stuffs, easily get angry, impatient, reckless driving, shouting, abusing...

Are these a good way to release the temper?? Do you think that this can solve the problem? It's really a LOSE-LOSE situation... This is very unhealthy..

Still figuring out the way to solve this problem.. and I feel fear.. :S

What I can do now it's to be calm, keep quiet and think (or maybe don't think??)