Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Meaningful life

My life is getting more colorful recently.

First thing is coming from Mahjong... with this game, I seldom feel bored at home. And I really no longer being alone so often. My players will have dinner with me, then play and chit chat for the whole night.

Beside that, we are going to have a car.. Yeah.. thanks to my husband. He bought a second car to be my transport after i shift to NTU. But it's sad that my company HR needs to look into my car parking sticker applications. sigh... I hope to get the sticker ASAP so that I can start driving to work.

Last Saturday, we had a whole day exciting drive around Singapore. Yes, it's our first time driving here. We are very new to all the roads.. as we seldom travel on the road.. hehe.. normally goes by the rail..

we drove from NTU to AMK, then AMK to Jurong East and back to NTU. At night, drove from NTU to Bugis, then Bugis to Holland V and back to NTU again.

On Sunday, we watched DVD from 11am till 12am.. hahaha..almost whole day... (ngo ngoi mou um hai yan)... what a funny HK drama ... :D (It has been years I didn't sit down to watch TV)

Life is getting busy... no time for myself.. but still, I will precious everything around me and will schedule for my next trip back home in July...
