Monday, January 28, 2008

Wedding Dinner

Thanks for my ji mui in secondary school coming to my wedding dinner. :)

From left: Poh Geok, Jill Lim, Me, Sook Kuen, Ai Ney & Chow Yee

Also thanks to my Form 6 gang!!

Too "dap yao", lazy to list out.. :P

My Uni friends and meal buddies in Singapore.

From Left: Ban How, Banhow's wife, Erin, Zhang Hang, my husband, Me, Chi Aun
Front Left: Pei Sze, George, Teng Siew

Appreciate my colleagues that purposely applied for VISA and took a trip from Singapore.

Really unexpected! Thanks for the support!!!

From left: Peng Chun, Ruvin, Qi Lu, Phillipe, Me, My husband, Xuebin, Keng Wei, Junmin's husband
Front: Sally, Junmin, Nicholas

Finally, will never forget to thank this group of friends who know more than 20 years.

From left: Tsuey Yann, Huey Ying, Sook Kuen (again), me, Tze Chian, Yoke Woon and Geok San.