Wednesday, January 30, 2008

NDS Mario Kart

From Cooking Mama --> Brain Age 2 --> Zoo Keeper --> Diner Dash..

Now it's time to defeat Mario Kart!!

very busy every night, but still got the Rank C for single player.

Chung Yan said, he will help me to get Rank A on next Wed. (provided i bring back NDS home)

I promised my NDS buddies, after one/two months, we will have another kart race. Almost all my free time sticks with it... crazy....


Hmm, Look forward for CNY buffet lunch with colleagues at Marina Mandarin tomorrow!! :D


Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Cute conversation with the little one

Yesterday I called home as usual and surprisingly our little kid, chung yan wished to chat with me. Normally he will be busy playing games, LEGO or watching TV.

He told me that he has grown up and it's better for me not to treat him like a baby anymore.

ok, fine.

then he told me, he is worried about his name, "Chung Yan" which he thinks that it isn't suitable for a MAN!!

hahaha *Bear not to LOL*

with full of cares, I asked him what kind of names he prefer? he said names like guan yu, lui bou (the 3 kingdom's characters) and that would be fine and sounds matured.

At last, I asked him to choose a Christian Name...

He said I am "Gu Ling Jing Guai!" : /

hahaha.. really deng kui um sun.. :D

Monday, January 28, 2008

As Hong Kong Tourguide

An appreciation from Hong Kong by Daniel (colleague) for provided Hong Kong travel guide.

* Coincidentally, I found my card holder is spoilt this morning and then received this present. * Very Happy!
Thanks, Daniel!

Wedding Dinner

Thanks for my ji mui in secondary school coming to my wedding dinner. :)

From left: Poh Geok, Jill Lim, Me, Sook Kuen, Ai Ney & Chow Yee

Also thanks to my Form 6 gang!!

Too "dap yao", lazy to list out.. :P

My Uni friends and meal buddies in Singapore.

From Left: Ban How, Banhow's wife, Erin, Zhang Hang, my husband, Me, Chi Aun
Front Left: Pei Sze, George, Teng Siew

Appreciate my colleagues that purposely applied for VISA and took a trip from Singapore.

Really unexpected! Thanks for the support!!!

From left: Peng Chun, Ruvin, Qi Lu, Phillipe, Me, My husband, Xuebin, Keng Wei, Junmin's husband
Front: Sally, Junmin, Nicholas

Finally, will never forget to thank this group of friends who know more than 20 years.

From left: Tsuey Yann, Huey Ying, Sook Kuen (again), me, Tze Chian, Yoke Woon and Geok San.



Still remember in the last engineering meeting with boss and team members, one of the prober vendors will send someone to Japan for training.

Well, I hope I can have the chance to go..

And Of course, IF IF IF i got the chance, and I hope my sis will join me.

Don't tell me all my dream trip is gonna be alone and training again... ( like my europe in 2007)...

Anyway, it's just a hope and dream. it might not be me... I don't think I am so lucky...

No matter, i wish to work on my Japan trip together with my sis this year.... :) that's more realistic... ha ha

(Hope she will read this msg, coz she always 'fong fei gei'.. : /)

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Bak Chor Mee

" Yi wan Bak Chor Mee" (one bowl of minced meat noodle)
" Mee Bok? Mee Gia?" (thick or slim noodles?)
" Mee Gia" (slim noodles)
" Yao la jiao ma?" (Chillies?)
" Yi dian dian.." (a little bit.)
" Chi de? bao de?" (Having here or take away?)
" Chi de" (Having here)

Above is the common Q&A when ordering local (singapore) minced meat noodles.It's dried noodle with black vinegar + chili + tomato sauce plus minced meat, meat ball, mushroom and liver. Sounds good?!

Sometime i feel that it's very nice. But most of the time the noodles disappoint me. It sticks to one big bundle and sometime too spicy. haih.. that's what i had just now. really can't take it...

rating: E!! Yucks!!!

Didn't had much for my dinner, just eat another 2 BBQ chicken wings from other stall. And, they were cold~~ ~ : /

Another lazy Sunday!

Again, another lazy sunday. eating and playing nintendo ..then sleeping again.

Just awake and now plan for another meal.. sounds like a pig... Well, that's my usual Sunday.

I borrowed 2 Shanghai guide books from library and plan to read it during this weekend. But still haven't make a start... Perhaps, try flipping thru later....

Aiyaa. the blue feeling is nearer and nearer.. Tomorrow have to work again! Yer, Gonna wake up early! :(

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Recent Updates

Weather: Cloudy
Venue: My Messy Bedroom...

Still in rat race. Engineering - no life no future. Changing Field? Pay Cut? Does it suit me?????!!!????????!!!

I am happy that I had some recognisation for last year but..... really not interested with the job. Working for the $$ and life.

New Gadgets
Yeah, bought Nintendo DS for past 2 months. Love it very much. Already become my good friend who accompany when I am alone everyday.

The games are so simple and fun!

Too bad, I really addicted and play till 1-2am every night. Even I can dream of it! Horrible.

New Year

I had a break back home in last december for 10+ days. It is really a LONG break for me after graduated. I have been working so hard and non stop since May 2004 (where I haven't even graduated) till now!

It was so relax and we celebrate Christmas and New Year in KL. Wow, can't believe our new home can view all the fireworks location in KL. Still remember we saw 7 different locations for fireworks.. so beautiful and happy, espeacially spending the time together with my family.

Now, I am looking forward for Chinese New Year. Yeah... this will be my first time fly back home from Singapore. Got a good deal from JAL - cheaper than budget airlines. Only SGD214 thru and flow!! And this year, I will need to give red packets to the children. No longer receiving anymore :/

Wishes & Dreams

Nearest Dream - strike lottery, TOTO on Monday. hahaha!!
SGD3M.. already placed the bet.. hmm

Next Dream - strie lottery, TOTO on CNY, SGD10M!! wow... excited!

According to fortune teller, sheep shines by lucky star. good wealth in this year.

When is my turn????


So far so good with my husband, just need to take some time to plan for our marriage life.

Looking forward for Shanghai trip in March....


This year, I try to eat more.. and be healthy, frankly speaking, i have stopped playing sports for almost one year.

Sometime I really have no appetite at all. just feel that eating is just to fill up my stomach. That's why I am getting thinner and now I can use "skinny" to describe myself.

Well, it was my dream to be thin for past 10 years. but now i think it's too over. every t shirt is too loose for me and I always wear double-layer to make the clothes look tighter. of course, for a better shape.. aiyaa. don't feel like buying new clothes now. Just wish to eat more to gain a little weight.

Almost everyday I feel tired. and now i feel a little bit sleepy..

go and take a nap now...ZZZZzzz

New beginning -2008

Yeah! my first blog is finally created.

I had an online diary when I was in Uni time and it was stopped after i left Uni.

Anyway, this will be a brand new one for me. Will write more things from 2008.

Also, would like to share with my beloved family and friends.
