Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Shall I continue?

Today is 4 Aug 2020. 9 years away from the last post. I am still alive! :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Oh no. It has been 1 year plus

Unbelievable.. Time Flies and I have almost abandoned this blog. Have been very busy in this year and things have changed a lot. Especially to my life. Now, I am no longer staying in NTU. We have shifted out from the campus and move to a flat in Jurong West. Our flat is big, simple design and bright. I enjoy very much staying here even am alone. Yes. I am alone now. Yu has gone to HK for a better position in his career and I am staying back to process for Australia Migration. I am happy that Yu has agreed to move to Australia with me. He has made sure everything is settled down before he left for Hong Kong. I feel very grateful that he has sacrificed so much for me. ='' ) On the other hand, I would say, it's my last step for the migration. I've passed my IELTS exams and now it's time to gather all the documentations. I plan to submit before my coming birthday! Life is tough but I strongly believe that if we plan our works well, our plans will come true. One word, determination! I hope to see Yu again in Oct.. even though we see each other every night on video call, but I still miss him very much.. We always have good time together. Lots of fun and happy!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Good Pick of today!

I can smell the frangance of fruits around the campus..

If we look carefully, there are lots of fruits trees around. Along the path way from my house to the junction, there are 2 mango trees and one starfruit tree.

Here's a good pick for today. I wonder if they are ready to eat.. but I feel happy to pick the fruits.

As you know, I have been experiencing busy city life since young.

It's rare for me to see fresh fruits. I love the nature.

I hope in future, I can plant some fruits trees and vegetables at my backyard of my dream home. :-)

Sign up for Slimming Plan

My hubby and I were wandering around Jurong Point (a shopping mall nearby our place) yesterday afternoon.

As usual, the mall is busy and crowded. Many boothes located at the main lobby and normally we don't really care.
Suddenly a guy approached me: " Hello, do you want to sign up and try on our plan??"
I was shocked and tried to figure out what's that? I looked around the booth banners - A big fat lady photo.. Oh!! a slimming programme?
We burst laughed.. hahaahaha!!
I answered: " If I sign up, I guess I will disappear! "
Somehow I think I am a successful example for slimming programme! Here you go:

2002 new year eve

2010 chinese new year

What a funny encounter! =D

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Time is running out!

Time flies.. It's already May!!

Everyday I am counting down the days to live alone again. It's scary but things have to keep going in order to achieve what I want. I believe this is a test of my life and hopefully things work out.

Till now, I have done IELTS (still pending for the results), husband PR is ready.

It's almost the time to kick start everything. I have to be strong to go thru this period.

Despite lots of plannings in my life, I do enjoy my life a lot with my husband and family. I will be go home for a break soon and then, France! Yoo Hoo!!! Unexpected!

After that, mum will come over to Singapore to visit me....

My life is always so busy which full of events, plannings.

I am lucky because people around me give me support as always which made me move on...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

I was down

I have been squeezing activities in these weeks.. and finally I was down last week.

It was started with a sorethroat and as usual would continue with fever and cold. I was on 2 days MC last week and had very bad cough started from 2 to 3 days ago.

I am exhausted due to the sleepless coughing nights. I shifted to sleep in the living room which is warmer and tried not to wake up the light sleeper - my husband.

And now, I am feeling better though still having a slight sorethroat..

Without any break, we went for HDB viewing yesterday. There was one unit really impressed us. It's nicely, professionally renovated, and looks like a spa center. It gives me the zen feeling when entering the house. The valuation is 420K and it's asking more than 40K cash, which made up the selling price at least 460K. Actually, we are ok with the price as the house is really impressive. I love the bathroom and walk-in wardrobe.
However, we do not meet the basic requirement yet. sigh.... we are still waiting for my husband PR approval... :(

What to do? Time is running out... I left less than 20 weeks to be with my husband... :(

Am I strong enough to stay out alone again? I guess, I have forgotten the life to be alone..


Life goes on.. I believe by planning and go through it step by step, my dream will come true..

Staying back is to make a change...there is still a hope..

Just afraid that I will give up everything, pack my luggage and go to Hong Kong one day.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Jerry Yan???

I can't believe I like Jerry Yan!! hahahaha!
Since F4 era, I do not have any feeling at all. I felt that almost everyone was crazy about Jerry, Zai Zai..
They are nothing special but just another boy group..
And now... Just because of this new taiwan drama "jiu xiang lai zhe ni" with Ella, I feel that he is really cool and handsome!

My goodness!

We do not have the habit to follow drama. However, this comedy is too funny and makes us standby for the show on everyday saturday night! ;-)