Sunday, April 11, 2010

I was down

I have been squeezing activities in these weeks.. and finally I was down last week.

It was started with a sorethroat and as usual would continue with fever and cold. I was on 2 days MC last week and had very bad cough started from 2 to 3 days ago.

I am exhausted due to the sleepless coughing nights. I shifted to sleep in the living room which is warmer and tried not to wake up the light sleeper - my husband.

And now, I am feeling better though still having a slight sorethroat..

Without any break, we went for HDB viewing yesterday. There was one unit really impressed us. It's nicely, professionally renovated, and looks like a spa center. It gives me the zen feeling when entering the house. The valuation is 420K and it's asking more than 40K cash, which made up the selling price at least 460K. Actually, we are ok with the price as the house is really impressive. I love the bathroom and walk-in wardrobe.
However, we do not meet the basic requirement yet. sigh.... we are still waiting for my husband PR approval... :(

What to do? Time is running out... I left less than 20 weeks to be with my husband... :(

Am I strong enough to stay out alone again? I guess, I have forgotten the life to be alone..


Life goes on.. I believe by planning and go through it step by step, my dream will come true..

Staying back is to make a change...there is still a hope..

Just afraid that I will give up everything, pack my luggage and go to Hong Kong one day.