Sunday, December 20, 2009

I see, I listen & I learn

The 7-week of stay in Europe has enlightened me a lot.

I am able to experience in Sicily. Understand the culture, lifestyle and people.

Sicily people are somehow much friendly and warm. I didn't feel that I was a stranger there. People like to share their feeling and thoughts which I normally do. They are sincere. It made me easily and quickly adapt to the environment without much worries. =)

Well, some basic italian does help a lot in daily activities which makes things easier. Really happy to have the chance to use my italian and I see that it has improved drastically. I will maintain and continue to learn.

Beside that, I noticed that Sicilian likes the sea very much. People appreciate the nature, and feel contented with what they have. Indeed, the weather and food in sicily are richer than the north of Europe.

I am happy to see that people are not that materialistic like in most of the metropolitan. I feel comfortable to share the thoughts with them. I always believe, that's the way of living. We do not need luxuries stuffs but still feeling happy truly. This is what I have to share with the people around me.

I do miss the people (especially my colleagues), food and weather there. I wonder, when I can I go there again. Anyway, I am lucky to have this experience in my life.

There was one statement from a colleague: " I am happy that we stay so far away but our hearts are very near (same thinking)!". When I heard that, I felt that is true...

Let's change the view to London....

London has been my dream destination since 9 years ago.... and this trip, I finally made my effort to go there, partly is to visit my good old friend, ngiam..

Well, after seeing Italy and Switzerland, I feel that London is not that beautiful.. Now I agree with Ngiam, Yes, Italy is more classic. Anyway, I do like the musuems in London, they are too big and many information. It's too bad that I only stay there for very short time, if not, it's worth to stay longer in the musuem.

Also, I am happy that Ngiam brought me for a play. It's a must-do in London. What we watched is 'The Lion King', it's professional and entertaining. To me, though it's kinda ex, but worth it I would say again. :)

London is a huge city with many people coming from different places. There are a lot of Indians and Chinese too. What's remind me when i was in Lescester Square is that I felt like I have been to Hong Kong. The place is busy and full of lights.... Also, in Oxford street, the shopping area is really big.. so far, I guess, it's the biggest I have ever seen.

Thanks to Ngiam & Emily for their 3 precious days spending the time with me.

Lastly, here you go something about Switzerland. This is the most advanced, organised, & systematic country in Europe. Beautiful mountain and lakes. Of course, I love the snow very much.

My last snow experience of snow was in switzerland as well. And this time I experienced my first time for snow falling. I still remember the feeling when I saw snow falling at the window when I opened my eyes from sleep. It was just wonderful. I always wonder when will be my chance to see the snow again... miss it so much.

I am lucky to have an offer to stay in Markus's house. That was the best stay during my trip in Europe.. I remember, I stayed in a whole red hotel in venice, a tiny and dirty room in London, and an old style hotel room in Interlaken. Oh ya, there was still another good one in Zurich airport dayroom.

Beside going to touristic places, such as Luzern and Interlaken in Swiss. I enjoyed my stay in Markus's village, Wettswil. I finally saw his little house in the forest, walking around in the snow, eating Rosti, Cheese Fondue and healthy breakfast. The scenery around Swiss is truly amazing. People here are active. They like jogging, snowboarding, skiing, sleighing and biking due to the good environment.

I read a tourguide describing swiss people - they are the most wealthy, healthy and wise people in the earth! Somehow I do agree with it. Swiss are lucky.

well, well, well, now I have back to the reality.... I precious the experience in Europe and it made me grow..

Feeling grateful and now I gonna move on, be good and hope for the next trip..
(where and when will it be??)